Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Road Behind

The Road Behind

I traveled far to arrive at your camp,
Many a weary footfall behind me.
My burdens are light, but my feet are damp,
And for a visit, I'd thank you, kindly!

Fellow travelers rarely stop to share,
And so many carry such needless weight;
Their backs badly bent, near beyond repair,
As they hurry on, bearing all that freight.

The mud on my feet is from our shared road:
Dust of ages, soaked with blood, sweat, and tears;
Churned by their struggle , under heavy load,
Driven by passions, regrets, loves, and fears.

My right bag carries memories sublime,
One of only two bags carried by me.
The left bag has lessons learned over time,
Some unpleasant, but all necessary.

I'll share what little wisdom I can find:
Life travels toward its end, not to a place;
So I leave the long road behind, behind,
For life is a journey and not a race.

Mick McKellar
November 2015

We all journey along, but why carry such heavy baggage? And, why are you in such a hurry?


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