Monday, June 27, 2016

Mundane Monday

Mundane Monday


I woke up and had to ask myself: Why?
I wondered where all my ambition went.
I'm usually upbeat, sort of spry,
And my days aren’t often ambivalent.
Not that I bounce up and caper around,
But my joy-powered battery was drained.
My lively spirit was chained to the ground.
My day's parade cancelled because it rained.
I dragged myself to the window, to stare
At the morning sun, but outside was grey
And wet, because it was raining out there.
So, I wrote this short sonnet, as a way
To rescue my spirit from the dungeon,
Of a disgruntled home-bound curmudgeon.

Mick McKellar
June 2016

Each day is still a gift to me, but sometimes it takes longer to unwrap it.


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