Monday, June 11, 2018

Dark River

Shadows of branches reach through my window,
Dance on my ceiling, dark specters of death.
Headlights induce a monochrome rainbow,
Wraith-like contortionists capture my breath.
Silent, I sit on the dark river's edge,
Watching, whispering a child's magic spells.
Worrisome wonders and simple fears, dredge
Up apparitions from deep, arcane wells.
Oh, powerful cataract carry me!
Cradle me, wash away my dreadful dreams.
Both swift and gentle may your passage be,
From velvet night until morning light streams.
River of Dreams, though a grim, eerie sight,
You carry me through to each dawning bright.

Mick McKellar
June 2018

I wonder, do all children face the dark river of dreams every night?


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