Monday, August 03, 2015

Whisper to My Heart

Whisper to My Heart

My mind remains so full of daily cares,
I scarce can see my moments through my needs.
So blinded, changes catch me unawares;
I can’t see where my stumbling journey leads.
The beating of my heart fills up my ears.
The sound of my own voice rends silent air.
I taste the bitter, salty, tang of tears,
From lashing, angry hatred ev’rywhere.
A rational redoubt of human thought,
And paragon of logic, science bred,
Can not refute the insight that I bought,
With coin earned while I flickered, nearly dead:
With senses filled with logic, joy, and woe,
Lord, whisper to my heart what I must know!

Mick McKellar
August 2015

A silent prayer I’ve never uttered aloud; my last thoughts before I sleep silently carry this request to God each night. I spent most of my life trying to think my way through every challenge, when I should also have paid attention to that tiny voice whispering to my heart.


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