Friday, February 09, 2024

When Winter Took a Rest

When Winter took a rest,
And let the Autumn reign,
Northwest winds, fast and strong,
Fair swept the land with rain.

Autumn sped quickly by,
Powered by cruel winds,
Left behind a trail of gold,
And whispered to its friends.

November days were warm,
When sunshine glimmered bright;
Light snow came and went so quick,
That Christmas had no white.

Gifts given nonetheless,
Showed some both love and care,
Hope that peace and joy would come,
With the New Year to share.

January brought snow,
But also saw it go.
Winter seemed to lose its grip,
Let Springtime start to grow.

People, preoccupied
With polls and presidents,
Missed the beauty all around,
And lost their common sense.

When Winter took a rest,
It let the Autumn stay,
Gave the world a gentle push,
But they just looked away.

Mick McKellar
February 2024

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