Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Dancing Lights

I lay abed and watched the lightning,
Slash the sky with silver fire.
Briefly blinded by instant bright'ning,
Darkness brushed my sight entire.
As power coursing through vaulted sky,
Briefly rent the velvet veil;
With all of my might, I strained to spy
Heaven's Gates, golden and pale.
Although human eyes may briefly see,
The glow of an angel's wing,
I'll not glimpse the Eternal City,
Nor watch the golden gate swing.
At least, not yet, though I scan the skies,
Transfixed on that lucent dome --
Seeking a glance at that lovely prize,
Until I can call it home.

Mick McKellar
June 2018

Why do I love to watch the lightning? Maybe I'm trying to see into Heaven...


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