Monday, September 20, 2021

Amazing Dreams: The Lost Soul's Price

The wind on the road in the lonely dark,
Sang a tune softly with warnings so stark,
I dared not ignore their timely advice;
Though I had no desire to disembark,
From my darkling path of the lost soul's price.

In grief, I embarked on this austere quest,
With only one other, my silent guest,
Whose attempt to befriend a misanthrope,
Who eschewed both companionship and rest,
Depleted his store of friendship and hope.

Alone now, astride an ancient draft horse,
Who alone seemed able to set a course,
We wandered forlorn in the dreary mist;
Pain in a saddle, a bag of remorse,
Cracked visage broken, and face Faery-kissed.

Sudden as thunder came warm, soothing light.
Gone were the shadows, the gloom, and the night;
Gone was the burden my old shoulders bore.
A kindly young man appeared on my right,
"Come down!" He commanded with great ardor.

"Why so dismal, my child, what troubles you?"
He asked. (His eyes said he already knew.)
"I caused a death, and I must pay the price!
Pay the lost soul's price is all I can do!"
My words were bitter as frozen blood ice.

His laughter was warm, with comfort and love,
"His soul is with God, in Heaven above!"
He shone like sunshine on newly formed ice.
"You were not at fault!" Said a wondrous dove,
"And He paid for every lost soul's price!"

Mick McKellar
September 2021

My dreams can sometimes wake me up.


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