Sunday, February 17, 2013

Poet's Prayer

Poet's Prayer

Lord, grant me eyes to see music in life,
And ears to hear colors in voices roused.
Let me taste my words before they are rife,
And touch hearts and souls where they will be housed.
Let me feel the flow of time in my soul,
And my spirit dance in the sky above.
Let me race the wind over gentle knoll,
And move a great cloud with an airy shove.
Let me bask in the joy of mornings bright,
And taste the wonder of life each new day.
Let me hear the whispers of stars at night,
And gain wisps of wisdom from what they say.
Let me climb to the top of Heaven's tree,
And catch just a glimpse of eternity.

Mick McKellar
February 2013

Do poets pray? From personal experience, I would say they must. That my view of the world differs from others is a fact of my life. A poet paints with words and finds the music in life all around. If this were not so, all poetry would be lyrics with no melody, no harmony  no rhythm. Dead words cannot bring images to life. Finding life in whispered words, soft sounds, and the touch of wind on my face and sharing that experience is the heart of what I do.


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