Saturday, October 21, 2023

October Dreams

Far and away, o’er the wild, craggy hill,
Live old forest woodlands in peace.
And though they're ancient their magic is still
Alive, with sunrise from gold to cerise.
Tis a land where nobody ever goes,
Though tall tales are told by many a tongue,
Of eternal light, and everyone knows
Those who dwell there are forever young!
As Samhain grows nearer, the veil grows thin,
And careless dreamers have sometimes crossed.
The careless can easily dreamwalk in,
And it’s almost certain they'll get lost.
One must beware the ancient power streams:
The arcane magic of October dreams.

Mick McKellar
October 2023

1 comment:

Burt said...

Great poem, Mick! Keep 'em coming, Bud!!