Friday, June 14, 2024

To a Noisy Woodpecker

How can a woodpecker be so dumb?
Thinks my metal chimney is a drum?
But, I think he does it just for fun,
"Rat-a-tat," just like a machine gun!

Looking for your food? Save a penny.
My tin chimney doesn't have any.
Looking to build a small, cozy nest?
Shiny metal tubes are not the best.

Sending out a message, far and wide:
"My territory! You stay outside!"
Or maybe it's that old bird bromide:
"I'm looking for a woodpecker bride!"

Feeding, nesting, or territory,
Beating on my chimney bothers me.
Whatever your urgent message be,
Please go hammer it on a real tree!

Mick McKellar
June 2024


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