Sunday, November 22, 2015

Bleak Thoughts

Bleak Thoughts

I gaze upon your sharply ragged word,
Inspired by little more than open fear;
And find its logic flawed, its claims absurd.
Its sound assaults the fortress of my ear.
Withal, you have the right to state your case,
To share the varied opinions you hold,
Proclaim your own beliefs in public place,
In language raw as skin bared to the cold.
Although awhile your followers will vie,
To be the first to grant your word acclaim;
The impact of your tantrums swiftly die,
When history and proven facts take aim.
And though your bleak thoughts surely will survive,
I hope that truth ensures they will not thrive.

Mick McKellar
November 2015

Sometimes, after reading my newsfeed, I need a shower.


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