Saturday, May 25, 2024

My Favorite Season is Now

When youth did flourish, autumn was my prime,
For frost did quell hay fever's irksome time.
The trees in splendor, colors bold and bright,
The air tastes crisp, from dawn till fall of night.
No vexing swarm to mar the outdoor cheer,
In autumn's grasp, the world seemed cool and clear.

Yet now, within these walls, my days are spent,
Each precious, like jewels that once were lent.
No longer do I claim a favored time,
For each day's a stanza in life's grand rhyme.
Whether it's rain or snow, or skies of gray,
Each sunrise brings a gift, a brand new day.

Alive, I stand amidst the tempest's roar,
Feeling its might, its power to my core.
What season do I cherish? None, you see,
For 'now' is all the time there needs to be.
Each moment is a lifetime, full and pure,
A chance to love, to learn, and to endure.

So ask me not of autumn's golden hue,
For 'now' is ever fresh and ever new.
For rain or shine, or snow's white tapestry,
Alive am I, and that's enough for me.

Mick McKellar
May 2024


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