Saturday, May 25, 2024

Time's Tapestry

In time's tapestry each day is a thread,
Woven with colors of joy, hope, and dread.
Each tick a stitch in the fabric of fate,
Crafting love stories, both modest and great.

The dawn ushers in a canvas so wide,
With the golden hues morning can provide.
The sun climbs high, painting aspirations,
In the firmament of life's creations.

Midday displays the true heart of the tale,
Where ev'ry plot thickens beyond the pale.
The choices we make and the paths we take,
Are powerful brushstrokes that our days make.

The afternoon light casts a solemn glow,
A gentle reminder of the tempo.
It's a pause in the verse, a soft refrain,
Before evening comes to claim its domain.

As twilight descends with a quiet grace,
Soft shadows lengthen, embracing the space.
The glimmering stars, in the night unfurled,
Whisper secrets of the celestial world.

The moon, a beacon in the dark expanse,
Guides nocturnal revelers in their dance.
It's time for reflection, for dreams to chase,
In the wee, silent hours of night's embrace.

The cycle goes on, day in and day out,
A living symphony, without a doubt.
Each day is a sonnet, each hour a line,
In poems where life and love intertwine.

For life is a poem, written anew,
With sunrise that breaks the day and the dew.
And all may be poets in this grand scheme,
Crafting new verses of the living dream.

And new verses written with hearts ablaze,
Build glorious legacies of our days.
For the poem of now is ours to pen,
In the book of life, again and again.

Mick McKellar
May 2024


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