Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Cranky and Tired and Watching TV

Sometimes the world is too much for me.
News is confused and dark as can be.
I'm tired and limp as cold spaghetti,
Propped in my chair with chips like confetti.
I'm cranky and tired and watching TV.

Minutes flow by in a silent stream,
Fuzzy as dust in a golden sunbeam.
Hours drift slowly as I softly dream,
About homemade pie with sweet whipped cream.
While cranky and tired and watching TV.

Primetime eventually runs dry,
With nothing to watch, nothing to spy.
Talk shows that drone a late night lullaby,
Convince me it's time to say goodbye,
To cranky and tired and watching TV.

Mick McKellar
May 2024

1 comment:

Burt said...

Same here at 12:16AM....I'll probably get tired around 3 or 4 AM. Welcome to senior citizenry!